A Reality Check on Dry Drowning

*As promised, I've come back to edit and flesh out a bit.  Enjoy! Dry Drowning Is Not A Thing OK, it's a thing and a very bad thing but I've been encountering a lot of misunderstanding about what it is (and what it isn't).  Drowning claims the lives of WAY too many children every year... Continue Reading →

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Asthma

Dr. Hensley’s Asthma Primer Does your kid have asthma?  Your grandkid?  A kid you babysit for?  Your neighbor’s kid?  OK, grab a snack and a tasty beverage and settle in.  In this post I’m going to cover all the things I want my parents of kids who have asthma to know and understand.  This is... Continue Reading →


I recently saw a video come across my newsfeed advertising a device you can stick to your child that will continuously monitor their temperature and Bluetooth the readings to your smart phone.  The app will alert you when your child’s temperature is “too high”.  You can even email your readout to your pediatrician!  It will... Continue Reading →

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